The State/Political Church
(Rev. 2:12-17)
*Commendation: Works, held fast My Name, have not denied My faith.
*Condemnation: You have false teachers of Balaam and the Nicolaitans.
*Counsel: Repent.
~The mystery of the seven churches (Rev. 2-3) is revealed in the fact that they outline the prophetic history of the Church from Pentecost to the Lord's appearing in the clouds, an era some refer to as the "age of grace." From the humble, sincere, and zealous beginning to the prideful, blind, and heretical end... the seven letters to the seven churches offer spiritual lessons (founded on their original historical contexts) concerning proper conduct and direction for the Church that is as vital today as when first written.
Prophetic class and hypothesized associated historical era of Pergamos:
State/Political church {AD 313 - 590}
...Pergamos was the capital city of Asia until the end of the first century. Saturated in the worship of Greek and other idols and unable to cope with the plethora of religious divides, the local Roman rulers demanded the cooperation of all groups, despite their differences. This, of course, generated much conflict.
...Revelation 2:13 refers to Pergamos as the place "where Satan has his throne" or "where Satan lives," the idea being that Satan, as god of this world, has specific physical bases from where he conducts his war against humanity (for he is not omnipresent). Though Babylon has possessed the reputation of being the capital city of all things evil since the incident at Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), once her worldly prominence declined and was eventually deserted (but not historically finished), Satan transferred his command locale to Pergamos because it had become perfectly conducive to devilish agendas due to its immensely idolatrous environment. And such were the conditions under which the local church was faithfully preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Moreover, it must be noted that Babylon will once again find itself the center of all things pagan as the Lord God gathers the evil of the world into one concentrated place for final Judgment (Zechariah 5:5-11; Rev. 17-18).
...Keeping in mind that the seven letters to the local churches simultaneously comprise a broader prophetic message to all of Christendom as well as an historically precise message to the original local congregations makes it easier to comprehend Church history (including the present and future) in light of universal local church circumstances. And being that the Pergamos era of Church history begins a trend toward darkness, the unveiling of the information that Satan has a physical worldly throne is an intentional hint toward satanic strongholds actually being established within communities and should thus be taken as a warning to the Church to prepare against such. Also important is the fact that demonic strongholds, while having physical locations, are primarily spiritual and can only be defeated through spiritual warfare under the Authority of Jesus Christ, i.e. prayer.
...When Constantine became emperor of Rome, he thus became emperor of the Western world. Having gained his standing through political intrigue and military victories on the frontier, he solidified his position by cleansing Roman corruption when he marched on Rome herself in AD 312 and conquered under a visionary "sign of the True Cross" as he deposed a military/political rival. Finding new purpose, Constantine styled himself as "the protector of the Christian faith" and issued an edict of toleration for Christianity throughout the empire and gave handsomely to the Church. Government gifts included the changing of many laws to benefit Christians, the conversion of pagan temples to Christian churches, and near unlimited monetary provision. Notably, following an extended period of poverty and severe persecution, such financial assistance appeared to be a true blessing from God.
...Though Constantine was considered a "godsend" to the Church, his interpretation of Christianity was of an ecumenical, i.e. cosmopolitan, slant. Even though many conservative church leaders took note of his liberal intonations and lack of theological proficiency, few spoke ill of the new emperor as they were desirous to please the "world leader," opting not to risk a reversal of his tolerant edict. Consequently, in open expressions of gratitude and at Constantine's request, the local churches began to adopt customs and rituals that were in reality "Christianized" pagan practices. Inevitably, one compromise leads to another and what initially appeared to be a true blessing became, over time, a great curse. The next three centuries witnessed the rise of heathen observances within Church liturgy and ceremony, eventually stealing from the Church its fire and evangelistic zeal.
...Indulging in the power that came with financial wealth, the Church succumbed to liberal theology due to the increasing influence of internal masked paganism as well as external blatant paganism that remained rampant. Spiritual leaders succumbed to (spiritual) pride and began to create an aura of mystery and ritualism in which to enshroud the Church, furthering a patriarchal and elitist agenda that would send the world into a spiritual "dark age."
...The rosary, of pagan origin, was introduced during this era. Likewise, the celibacy of priests and nuns has no Scriptural basis and is a reworked form of the ritual of virgin sacrifice in order to "appease a god." Over time, heretical changes and additions usurped the original teachings of Christianity, some of which are listed below:
300 AD - prayers for the dead
300 - making the sign of the Cross
375 - worship of saints and angels
394 - Mass introduced
431 - worship of Mary introduced
500 - Priests adopt distinguished attire to separate from laity
593 - doctrine of Purgatory introduced
600 - services conducted in Latin to further distance clergy from laity
600 - prayers directed to Mary
...From AD 312 the Church became less Christian and more Roman in its practices and identity. Prior to 312 the Church was an independent body of local churches working together whenever possible, with Christ and His Word as Head. Satan, however, was able to subtly influence the "marriage" of Church to state/government authority, and thus her "divorce" from Jesus Christ.
...As a result, the Church declined in spiritual power and blessing. The doctrine of the Nicolaitans finally found itself widely accepted within church teaching. The Ephesian church/Apostolic era had rejected this heretical idealism while the Pergamos church/State era invited it, Nicolaitanism being the dogma of a strong ecclesiastical (church) hierarchy ruling over the laity. Such a divide has been the root of spiritual pride, spiritual cynicism, and an overall weakened spiritual condition within the Church; it is this very circumstance that fueled the rise of the Roman Catholic (universal) Church. Protestantism brought much healing of this after the Reformation, but even today there are clergy/laity divisions that do more harm than good. Whenever clergy lose contact with the laity, they cease to be effective tools in the hands of God.
...The mention of Balaam in Rev. 2:14 is meant to accentuate the problem of Nicolaitanism in that through the intrigue of Balaam, a prophet hired by Balaak, king of Moab, Israel was deceived into illicit relations with the daughters of Moab. This indicates Satan employing identical tactics against the Church that he used against Israel in the Old Testament period, his purpose being to cast stumbling blocks (and failure) before that which God would bless and ultimately utilize to bring further blessing to the world. The general lesson to be gleaned from Pergamos is that even when believers are faithful to Jesus' Name and hold fast to sound doctrine, we must remain separated from the world, avoiding all compromise.
...In reference to Christ's challenge in 2:17, hidden manna and a white stone are mentioned. Hidden manna is the spiritual sustenance provided in the Word of God that is to be individually sought and gathered, just as the Israelites had to individually seek and gather the heavenly food He sent them in the wilderness. A great mystery was revealed when Jesus proclaimed Himself as the Manna that "gives life to the world" (John 6:33, 51). In essence, then, true believers are to seek for Christ in His Word in that He is the Word, and only in Him can He be found by those who truly seek.
...The white stone most certainly alludes to our assurance in the righteousness of God. White symbolizes purity, as opposed to the "filthy rags" of the followers of Balaam and the Nicolaitans. Another allusion the white stone may signify is that of the stones in the garment of the high priest, worn as the priest approached the Lord God on behalf of Israel (Exodus 28:30). Still another possibility rests with the idea of a white stone meaning acquittal; in ancient days, jurors would disclose their vote of "guilty" with a black stone and "not guilty" with a white stone. And we are surely "not guilty" when covered by the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ...
{excerpted from my commentary, The Revelation of Jesus Christ}
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