The Hubris of Human Reason

Prevailing attempts at determining Truth recurrently degenerate into the philosophy, traditions, and doctrines of men according to the world, and not according to Christ (Col. 2:8). Some contend that God and His Truth are subject to human reason and certain variants of rationalism (such as agnosticism), thereby asserting that true reality cannot be known and, thusly, God cannot be known. Others insist upon rewriting the Holy Writ, inserting vast or subtle fictions between verses and/or crafting grand allegorical allusions that undermine the literal simplicity that is in Christ (2 Cor. 11:3).
...Shamefully, many within the Church and in positions of great influence easily fall to such intellectual vanity, evidenced by a decreasing level of faith and an increasing number of antagonistic doctrines, theologies, and theories. The Creation account of Genesis 1-2 is an appropriate exemplar of this trend, as it is commonly attacked for its simplicity and brevity. Genesis was written as literal history and was treated as such by Jesus Christ Himself when He said, "But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female" (Mark 10:6). Here is nothing less than the Creator of All That Is demolishing the deceit of evolution, millions/billions of years, gap theories, framework hypotheses, and other assumptive fictions infested with the hubris of human reason.
...Even prestigious institutions are not immune from this manifestation of pride, often descending from a position of solid Biblical authority to one of ambiguous conjecture. Princeton and the University of Edinburgh (originally Presbyterian), Harvard and Yale (originally Puritan), Oxford and Cambridge (of multi-Protestant origin)... each of these, among many others, suffered foundational fracturing in their Christian worldview circa the late 1700's through the mid-1800's as the influence of humanist philosophers (Lyell, Darwin, etc) began to rise due to minimal refutation from Christians advocating 1 Peter 3:15-16. Subsequently, America's Christian heritage threatens to crumble as secular humanism, moral relativism, and intellectual elitism run rampant over our great land. However, there exists devastating intelligence in the war of worldviews that rages round about us. It is this: there is only one correct worldview, that being the Biblical one. Further, it is the only worldview that makes sense of and unites every arena of study and endeavor.
...Those who crow against this bold proclamation exalt human reason over and above Truth, displaying and promoting humanity's ineffectual musings regarding self-deification, even if accomplished privately within the psyche. So how can one effectively curtail inclinations of presumptive self-importance whilst combating the same in others? One must be cognizant of human reason in relation to foundational logic and rational thought.
...Analytical and systematic thinking (a.k.a. reasoning) reinforces rational thought and comprehension toward a true perception of reality, yet such a perception is only possible when said reasoning is purposed toward Truth grounded in foundational logic. Since God is a rationally thinking and immutable (unchanging) Being, it follows that logic and rational thought are foundational to Truth and Reality for such is rooted in the infinite Nature of God and are in fact a manifestation of His infinite Character. Thus a reflection of God's Character shall be evident in the disciple who is truly anchored in Christ as he/she brings every thought into captivity to the obedience of Him Who enables us to cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:5).
...For those who would tread the same path as Job and insist upon questioning God and His perfect Word... the Almighty has already issued refute: "Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Prepare yourself... I will question you, and you shall answer Me. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?.. Have you an arm like God?.. Who then is able to stand against Me?.. He who rebukes God, let him answer it" (Job 38:2-4; 40:2,9; 41:10).
...It is my prayer that Job's response would be echoed by all: "I have uttered what I did not understand... Therefore I abhor myself and repent..." (42:3-6)

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