Darwin is Dead

...And so is his theory.
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was not new when he went public with his musings; the idea had been familiar to ancient Greek thinkers. Despite this, intellectual lemmings continue to solicit Darwin's deceit like peddlers sanctioning an unworthy imitation as authentic. Even constant repackaging of such a concept as evolution has itself evolved into a multi-headed hydra that often differs greatly from what Darwin initiated.
...If he was the avant-garde god that some insist upon, why then are not all of his thoughts advertised, specifically his core beliefs? For example, his racist references are ignored today yet they remain just as influential in all Darwinist philosophy. The complete title to his (in)famous work published in 1859 is partially recognizable to most and attests to his racism: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Favoured races? He refers to certain ethnic groups being more primitive than others... a conjecture he establishes more insistently in his later work The Descent of Man (1871). Coversely, Scripture holds to only one race, the human race, as we are all descended from Adam (Acts 17:26).
...Currently, as the post-modern era unfolds, a plethora of cultures subscribe to Darwin's model of human origin (or a reinterpretation of such), particularly Europe, Britain, and Russia. Moreover, cultural enclaves existing in North and South America that defend Darwinism are becoming ever more vocal and vitriolic with the help of humanist thinkers like Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and Philip Pullman (author of The Golden Compass, Bk 1 of His Dark Materials trilogy).
...Why the recent surge in aggressively promoting/propagandizing Darwinism and/or atheism? And why is Christianity often attacked in the same breath? It is because adherents to such fiction as evolution and atheism are threatened deeply by moral absolutes, i.e. Truth, and thus are compelled to employ religious bigotry. An evolution-prone worldview is simply an attempt to escape Genesis 1:1. Within the humanist psyche there is no room for God, only the ego. And sadly, the Church contains some who compromise the Holy Writ as they exalt flawed doctrines on the order of theistic evolution and progressive creation, which venture to accept "evolution" as a Divine "tool" but instead undermine the Gospel since each model involves death before sin and unnecessary lengths of time with no theological purpose.
...The following apologia expands upon two of my previous posts, The Premise of Theistic Reality (Apr '06) and Truth vs The Con of Man (Mar '07), both of which dissect and destroy the philosophies and supposed evidences of evolution and atheism. A comparative construct will be utilized to examine the Darwinist Evolution Model (DEM) and Biblical Creation Model (BCM).
*1) A DEM offers ambiguous ideals of origins, though predominantly the Sun/Cosmos came first; The BCM reveals that a supernatural God created the earth first on Creation Day 1 and the Sun/Cosmos on Day 4 (Genesis 1).
*2) A DEM insists upon an earth age of billions of years since vast epochs of time are required to explain the complexity of life through "natural" means; The BCM reveals a younger earth history (approx. 6000 yrs) proven by Biblical chronologies and genealogies evidencing Divine Purpose and Design, i.e. "supernatural."
*3) A DEM denies a global Flood and replaces it with various catastrophic scenarios (subject to change); The BCM states that a global Flood was enacted by God for a specific purpose and that its reality and consequences remain consistent throughout Scripture (Gen. 6-9).
*4) A DEM misinterprets the global uniformity of the fossil record and promotes any interpretation other than Scriptural; The BCM demands that the uniformity of the fossil record is caused by a global Flood and that only a Scriptural interpretation of the Flood reconciles its cause and effects.
*5) A DEM specifically and purposefully separates dinosaur and man and insists that birds evolved from dinosaurs, ignoring blatant evidences to the contrary in the fossil record; The BCM reveals dinosaur and man being created together on Day 6 (Gen. 1:24-26; Job 40:15) and birds being created on Day 5 prior to the dinosaurs/beasts of Day 6, evidenced by fossils of human and dinosaur footprints found in the same rock strata (view related articles; view)... likewise with fossils of birds and dinosaurs (view; view).
...It is my prayer that atheists/evolutionists the world over would allow themselves a moment of humility, a respite from their cognitive vanity so as to encounter their Creator and experience true awe and His saving grace. "But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so [their] minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ... For men will be always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth... For this they willfully forget: That by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water" (2 Cor. 11:3; 2 Tim. 3:2,7; 2 Peter 3:5-6).
..."Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves" (Matt. 21:12).
...Jesus exemplified proactive righteous anger when he drove out of the temple those who assaulted His Father with their blasphemy. We should do no less, thereby overturning the fables of Luciferian puppets with the gravity of Truth and foundational logic. Truth has forever weathered assaults from those of like mind as Charles Darwin, whose postulations suggested what Friedrich Nietzsche blatantly stated: "God is dead." A sense of Divine poetic justice is confirmed, however, since God and Truth still live whilst Darwin and Nietzsche are now dead. Perhaps the two have met.

1 comment:

Ashley Sharp said...


I read this article yesterday and it confirms just how deep their denial of a Creator really is.

Awesome post, Jon. The linked articles were great, too. I wonder what their meeting was like... I think it would be pretty bad to realize that you spent your entire life working for a lie.