The Premise of Theistic Reality

Simply put, theistic reality is the fact of God's existence. There is, of course, a multitude of facets to explore concerning this fact, with the complexity multiplying interminably the further one divines the Divine. And true to His infinite wonder, the mystery of God reveals profound Simplicity that increases as one pursues His endless complexity. With that said, I now refer to the most powerful attestation of theistic reality that has been recorded:
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
(Genesis 1:1).

Genesis 1-3 are equally foundational to all Christian doctrine and human existential purpose. Contrary to this, there are many (along with their decrepit theories and hypotheses) who ignore, deny, and/or attempt to undermine the Reality recorded not only in Genesis, but throughout the entire Word of God. In fact, reaching all the way back to ancient Greek thought, we discover the Hellenistic doctrine of the eternity/infinity of matter, a philosophy that is identical to present day secular humanist and atheistic worldviews. Such humanist philosophies seek to isolate theology from science, thereby rendering theology irrelevant. This always creates a trend toward exhaustive circular reasoning and a presupposition that God does not exist, in turn creating a wall of ignorance that cannot be breached until even the possibility of God is seriously considered.
...The secular non-Christian evolution-prone worldview is nothing but an attempt (even subconsciously) to escape Genesis 1:1. Genesis 1-3 puts forth the fact of God's aseity and activity in an unapologetic, undeniable, and simple manner- a perfectly logical method to express Truth, for Truth is not reliant upon belief, it is reliant only upon God. Therefore, all the cumulative unbelief in the universe will not affect Truth, regardless of what one may believe (or not believe if one is an atheist). Furthermore, Truth has no place in the mind of an atheist, only relative truth and relative morality hold sway; and these two relatives supplant true meaning in the life of an atheist. In essence, what is real and actual to the atheist is only a perceived reality, limited by what is "believable," or acceptable. True reality, and thus true meaning, can only be realized once the possibility of God becomes accepted, leading the atheist toward the very real premise of theistic reality. Otherwise, the doom of a perceived reality will reach its conclusion in a damned reality as the non-believer suffers eternal torment and separation from the God he/she refused to accept.
...So how would a Christian defend the Truth of theistic reality against an atheistic argument without falling into needless debate and/or vain babbling?
...There are times when personal testimony, Christian witness, and/or consistent upright living are enough to win a contrary mind to the Kingdom of Heaven. Other instances require having strong answers to tough questions on a wide range of subjects, including Scripture, science, philosophy, logic, and history (past, current, future). However, in order to undercut atheistic tendencies that have deep roots, so to speak, one must reveal that such roots are illusory. Once accomplished, the atheist's worldview begins to crumble and it is merely an issue of whether or not or how long until the non-believer accepts the devastation of his/her humanist position. The method by which this is accomplished consists of turning a defense of theistic reality into an offense against a failed philosophy. Contradiction is a sufficient test for the fallacy of any position. A worldview that contradicts itself or undermines itself as it strives to affirm itself is false; hence, self-destructive circular reasoning.
...We begin by challenging the atheist's worldview in the form of a question: What do you believe and why? The basic response would be: I do not believe in or accept the possibility of God, the universe is uncaused and infinite, life is an accident, thus humanity exists by chance and there is no grand purpose, or cause, for anything.
...A Christian may respond by invoking the principle of existential causality, claiming that every finite, feasible, and variable thing has a cause. This leads to cause and effect reasoning that, if done in reverse, reaches the eventuality of an infinite, immutable, and necessary Being Who set the cause and effect reasoning into motion. This Being is God, the Uncaused Cause of everything that exists. Through this logic, the possibility of God is near undeniable. And there cannot not be a cause for anything, for something caused even the atheist to be born and to choose unbelief as his/her belief. And by the atheist's reckoning, even if life were an accident it still was effectively caused somehow. Something just happening is an impossibility. Therefore, cause and effect reasoning (and actuality) must begin with an Uncaused Cause.
...Now the Christian may turn to dismantling further the atheist's logic by using it against itself. To the atheist an "uncaused and infinite universe" holds meaning, in that everything has always existed and shall always be. Yet this statement defies logic in that the earth and space sciences, including astrophysics and quantum mechanics, show that the universe and/or much in it is experiencing entropy, revealing finite characteristics. If there is an end in sight, there had to have been a beginning; something that is infinite does not display finiteness. Some moderate atheists accept a finite universe, only to disregard or explain away the Beginning with fanciful tales that make great science fiction, but no scientific or logical sense.
...To the Christian an "uncaused and infinte God" holds meaning, in that He has always existed and shall always be. This statement is logical and stands up to scientific scrutiny on all levels, for God Himself is the One Who set up the governing laws of the universe for mankind to discover so as to lead us to Him, increasing our understanding of His Sovereignty and Majesty. When science ventures into the realm of universal origin outside of supernatural Creation, it can only offer conjecture, not facts. God was there in the Beginning, we were not. However, the limits of science are expanded once an omniscient, omnipotent, and infinite Creator are accepted as Fact.
...We now see that the logic of the atheist is devoid of any merit and is contradictory, for in denying the universe or human existence of any meaning, there is yet meaning in their disbelief as it is what they believe. By this same meaningful logic, Christians believe there is meaning that permeates God's Creation, and further meaning can be sought with increased understanding and intimacy with the Creator. Such understanding and intimacy do not resonate with the atheist due to a lack of the meaning they dismiss as nonexistent but claim to possess.
...In denouncing Christian logic, the atheist denounces his/her own logic. In reaffirming their logic, the atheist accepts the possibility of God, intentionally or not. And a possibility of such weight is immovable, and will crush either the ego or the spirit. The former carries the hope of realized theistic reality as humility is borne, the latter carries no hope at all.


Ashley Sharp said...

Much thanks for the ammunition! I shall, henceforth, pursue and impend upon all evolutionary consideration with vigor and fortitude, employing my freshly achieved wisdom... unapologetically.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that after all those big words that I just read, that you couldn't have done better in scrabble!! Just kidding...I was the one who quit. Anyway, great job as always in pointing out the complex simplicity of God and not being afraid to tackle the secular worldview. I pray that God will continue to deepen your desire for truth and knowledge. It's hard to believe that what God started way back in my living room as we prayed; would have led to where we are now. It's truly amazing and I praise God for it.

Ashley Sharp said...

Jonathan... It is a wonder to see how God is constantly expanding your desire and your wisdom. Thank you for teaching me over the years... and for inspiring me to embark on a lifelong journey that seeks to reveal the mysterties of God. Through your counsel I know that it is necesscary... through your friendship I know that it is possible.

Jon Scott Birch said...

Fabien Sparkle??? Am I missing something? lol I thank you and Ashley for your encouraging words, though I, too, am amazed daily at the wonders of Almighty God. And, Fabien, I must admit that Scrabble was more of a challenge than I anticipated (to think that conjuring the word "at" would even be acceptable is preposterous!).

Anonymous said...

Hi Jon! I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy reading your blogs. I'm amazed how simple you make things that are normally complex. I'm gonna let one of my roommates read it because I think she'll enjoy it too. Keep it up!

Ashley Sharp said...

I am starting to think that you might have fallen off the place of the planet... or quit the Blog Club. When can I see some new material? :)